Our Herbs, Spices, and Teas section features over 150 bulk offerings as well as fine boxed teas. We source from organic, fair-trade, and small-scale local herb and tea purveyors primarily based along the West Coast. Whether you’re needing a tonic remedy for seasonal wellness, wanting to blend your own decoctions and brews, or whether you love starting the day with your favorite tea, you’ll find something special on our shelves!
Some of our featured herbs and teas include offerings from:
- Blue Lotus Chai
- Blume
- Botanical Lucidity
- Five Mountains Tea (San Francisco)
- Good Medicine Tea (Hood River, Oregon)
- Ina Botanicals & Tea, San Francisco
The Jasmine Pearl (Portland, Oregon)
- Juniper Ridge (Berkeley)
Lit Rituals (Vallejo)
- Mountain Rose Herbals (Eugene, Oregon)
- The New New Age
- Niuka Tea & Botanicals (Oakland)
- Raw Tea Bar